Work and Organisations – An agenda for action series

Work and Organizations

Evidence is growing that values-driven organizations as well as more decentralized and adaptable organizations based on trust, empowerment and the development of human socio-emotional capacities – sometimes called “Teal organizations” or “liberated companies” – are particularly suited to thrive in complex and uncertain environments. These organizational models are usually rooted in a different vision of human nature, in which people are considered to be responsible, self-motivated, and trustworthy.

A universal basic income or a minimum guaranteed income can also embody and facilitate a paradigmatic change in our relation to work, as a source of fulfillment and contribution to our communities (see the last Avatar movie when the heroes are taught how to live in a coastal community in order to avoid them “the shame of being useless to their community”). Studies suggest it would not deter so much people from working (as its opponents fear – we find here again a different and more positive vision of human nature) but enable them to engage in a wider range of self-fulfilling and socially useful activities, while decreasing inequalities. Social contribution can be set as a condition for this revenue (“participation income”) but I believe this activity should be chosen/led by workers so that it strengthens their intrinsic motivation to offer their own unique contribution to their community.

Politics of Being : An agenda for action series

The Politics of Being is a deep but not ethereal vision. It offers concrete actionable policy recommendations in many sectors, almost exclusively based on existing examples. We can start implementing it today if we choose.
In this series, we will share every week some inspiration and thoughts about what implementing the Politics of Being would entail in nine different sectors. This agenda for action with examples and references is fully developed in the book :
Here you can discover what concrete policies and actions can support flourishing organizations and a regenerative relation to work .

Stay tuned and enjoy !


Read the agenda for action series for each sector here:


Childhood and Family






Food and Agriculture







