"Anyone who is interested in preventing our collective consciousness sleepwalking to extinction should read this book. It is a very important, practrical treatice, […] a wonderful book. If it reaches a critical mass, we could indeed hope for a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier and joyful world."Deepak Chopra, Author and pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation
"A profound, insightful, extensively researched, sensitive and much needed essay which provides a precious roadmap for traveling together towards a better world"Matthieu Ricard, Author of Altruism: How Compassion Can Change Ourselves and the World.
"Thomas Legrand's book lucidly offers the new directions that are urgent to overcome the globalization of ignorance and indifference, and build the future that the next generations deserve"Federico Mayor, Former Director-General of UNESCO
"In his book, Thomas really addresses how we have, in today’s societies, to redefine this element of culture. The book impacted me and could be also a very good instrument."Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, High Representative, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
"This book can open many hearts, many spirits, of many people so I hope it will come in the hands of politicians. Thomas has done an important work for all of us to be able to regenerate. Now is time to collectively engage and follow it through."Violeta Bulc, former European Commissioner for Transport, Curator of Ecocivilisation
"We desperately need to see a marriage of science and wisdom. Thomas Legrand has made a good case for it. It is a wonderful, ground-breaking and timely book"Satish Kumar, Author, Editor and Activist, Founder of the Schumacher College
"Politics of Being addresses the critical question of how the spiritual and moral capacities of both individuals and communities can be brought to bear on the challenges facing humanity. My warmest congratulations and appreciation to Mr. Legrand "Bani Dugal, Principal Representative of the Baha'i International Community, United Nations Office, New York City
"In this book, the eagle and the condor are flying together. It is a call to the world family to unify themselves, to sit down at the sacred fire once again and deeply listen. The ancestors have their hands on it. There is truly something sacred in motion. "Jyoti Ma, Grandmother Vision Keeper at Center for Sacred Studies & Founder of The Fountain
"This is a very important book. It proposes an inspiring, yet very concrete, actionable, political project grounded in spirituality and science. It shows us what political leadership could and should look like. I also loved personal stories and experiences shared throughout the book, which make it a wonderful read."Uffe Elbaek, former Minister of Culture and Member of the Danish Parliament, founder of the green political party "The Alternative"
"No matter how much we try to change systems and tackle the injustices in this world, actually there is something as important that we need to do which is learning what we need to do to change the human being. Thank you Thomas for bringing the politics of being into the mainstream of our conversation, about politics, about economics, about religions. "Jay Naidoo, founding General Secretary of The Congress of South African Trade Unions, former Minister of Nelson Mandela government, former Chair of the Development Bank of Southern Africa, Board member of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation
"A tour de force. It is a very practical handbook. It will help me in my role in taking mindfulness to decision-makers and politicians around the world. That reconnection of wisdom and science is what we need."Chris Ruane, Former Bristish Member of Parliament, founder of the Mindfulness All-Party Parliamentary Group
"Thomas Legrand is a thought leader whose time in the development field allowed him insights into how development needs to evolve toward more consciousness. This book is vital and pioneering to help us all start thinking through how this critical journey can happen. I encourage all development practitioners to read it to help guide their future work"Andrew Bovarnick, Global Head Food and Agricultural Commodity Systems, UNDP
"Rarely has a book captivated me so much. I could hardly let go of it. Thomas has managed to brilliantly bring together the wisdom traditions, the latest social neuroscience, ecology and philosophical approaches - not just theoretically, but in a very practical way. It creates a deep insight into how we can really change our system, our society towards a new development paradigm"Liane Stephan, Managing Director and Founder of Awaris gmbh and Co-Founder of the Inner Green Deal Initiative
"A masterpiece. Only a person like Thomas with a comprehensive knowledge of the sciences, a great deal of practical experience in ecological and human sustainability, intimate experiences with many religions and a deep involvement in spirituality and commitment to humanity, and a skillful ability as an author could create a book as valuable and timely as this. "D. Paul Schafer, Director, World Culture Project
"A great book. Thich Nhat Hanh will be proud !"Kees Klomp, Author and Professor of Applied Science
"This remarkable book might best be described as the journey of an enlightened intellectual, searching everywhere for what seem to be the best ideas and experiences, and assembling them into a coherent vision for a new development paradigm. What is remarkable is that it is equally strong on both the rational social science approach and the need for spirituality and values. A tour de force! "Arthur Lyon Dahl, Former Deputy Assistant Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
"This very important book is a comprehensive global vision, but also a practical policy-guide for the transition from a world of having to a world of being "Christoph Stückelberger, Author and Professor of Ethics
"Thomas Legrand's Politics of Being provides a much needed integration between inner spiritual development and the development of our societies, in particular to navigate the environmental and social crises we have created. With impressive scope, wisdom and ambition this book is set to be a vital resource for interdisciplinary scholars to come."Tom Oliver, Professor of Applied Ecology, Author of "The Self Delusion"
"Thomas' writing flows effortlessly and is comprehensible to secondary school readers"Michael Kell, Director and Founder of the Institute for Conscious Evolution and Human Development
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