Food and Agriculture – An Agenda for Action Series

Food and Agriculture

Eating is a sacred act through which we renew ourselves and connect to Mother Earth and the hard and loving work of many people. A “planetary health diet” could support both human and planetary health, which are inextricably connected. The way we eat is fundamental not only for our physical health but also for our mental health. The latter in turn affects our food behaviors, often in a way that prevents us from take care of ourselves, each other and the Earth.

The ongoing paradigmatic change in agriculture goes from industrial agriculture and the dysfunctionalities of a growth-based model relying on external inputs to small-scale, multifunctional agro-ecological farming systems working with nature and embodying some of the highest human values at the core of the Politics of being. Permaculture and many other regenerative agriculture approaches are first of all philosophies and arts of being.

Politics of Being : An agenda for action series

The Politics of Being is a deep but not ethereal vision. It offers concrete actionable policy recommendations in many sectors, almost exclusively based on existing examples. We can start implementing it today if we choose.

In this series, we will share every week some inspiration and thoughts about what implementing the Politics of Being would entail in nine different sectors. This agenda for action with examples and references is fully developed in the book :
Here you can discover what concrete policies and actions can support a regenerative relationship to food and agriculture.

Stay tuned and enjoy !


Read the agenda for action series for each sector here:


Childhood and Family




Work and Organisations









