Childhood and Family – An Agenda for Action Series

Childhood and Family
Childhood well-being is decisive in building not only our capacity to flourish, but also to contribute positively to our communities. Thus, investments in childhood well-being can generate very positive returns for society, as evidenced by scientific research. Any wise politics should consider this a national priority, something done by Jacinda Arden, New Zealand’s prime minister, when she proclaimed in 2018 her intention to make her country the “best place in the world to be a child.”
Above all, a politics of being should ensure every child can count on the presence, love, and support of parents to be able to develop what psychologists call “secure attachment”, the key basis for their development. Science has shown how deficiencies in early infant parental nurturance are correlated with the search for extrinsic rewards, such as money, power, or fame, as a way to compensate for a sense of insecurity.
The inner dimension is so foreign and taboo in our cultures that we miss huge and obvious opportunities for progress associated with it.

Politics of Being : An agenda for action series
The Politics of Being is a deep but not ethereal vision. It offers concrete actionable policy recommendations in many sectors, almost exclusively based on existing examples. We can start implementing it today if we choose.
In this series, we will share every week some inspiration and thoughts about what implementing the Politics of Being would entail in nine different sectors. This agenda for action with examples and references is fully developed in the book.

Here you can discover what concrete policies and actions can support childhood wellbeing.

Stay tuned and enjoy !


Read the agenda for action series for each sector here:


Work and Organisations






Food and Agriculture







